FAQ’s – Immigration

FAQ’s – Immigration

1.      What is a Canadian Immigrant Visa?

An Immigrant Visa is a document which allows a person to live and work anywhere in Canada, and confers upon that person permanent resident status. It can be revoked if the holder is out of the country for too long, or is guilty of some criminal activity. A person who is a Canadian permanent resident may apply for Canadian Citizenship after 3 years.

2.     How is an Employment Authorization different from an Immigrant Visa?

An Employment Authorization permits an eligible visitor to reside and work in Canadaf or a limited period of time, and restrictions are usually placed on the type of employment, which can be pursued. It will not lead to Canadian permanent resident status and this means the applicant will still need to apply for immigration for permanent resident status. A Canadian Immigrant Visa entitles its holder to live and work anywhere in Canada, enjoy many of the privileges of Canadian Citizenship, apply for Canadian Citizenship after 3 years and sponsor family members for Canadian permanent resident status.

3.     Can I apply for permanent resident status and temporary status at the same time?

You can apply for permanent resident status and temporary status at the same time (dual intent). Doing so will not harm your application for permanent resident status. However, your application for temporary status may be affected because an impression will have been created that you do not intend to leave Canada upon the expiration of your temporary status. Onus is on the applicant to provide sufficient support documents to justify the visit and convince the officer of returning home.

4.     I have heard that Canadian Immigration Regulations have changed. How will I be affected?

Immigration laws, regulations, and policies are constantly subject to change. The effect of these changes will vary considerably from one applicant to another, depending on the particular circumstances. While one candidate may benefit from these changes, another may suffer a loss of points, or even automatic inadmissibility.

5.     Is there a benefit to using a consultant to solicit the application process for Canada?

Statistically, your chances of succeeding are increased if a licensed, qualified consultant represents you. With the ongoing updates and regulation amendments, you do not want to risk of getting the application returned/rejected. Once an application is refused, a permanent record is created. However, the Canadian immigration authorities do not demand representation by a certified consultant or lawyer.

6.     Who qualifies for an Immigrant Visa?

Immigrant Visas are given to qualified skilled workers, businesspersons and to close family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents.  There are numerous options, contact us to know the programs best suited to your profile.

7.      How long does the immigration process take?

The length of the sponsorship process varies depending on the Visa Office to which the application is submitted. Sponsorship cases are a priority at all Visa Offices and such applications are processed ahead of skilled worker applications and applications under the Business Immigration Program.

8.     Who can I include in my application for an Immigrant Visa?

Your spouse or common-law partner and any dependent children may be included in the application. Other family members, such as your parents, generally cannot be included in the application but you could sponsor them as part of the family class after you land in Canada and meet the eligible criteria.

9.     When are police clearances required, and from where?

Every applicant (you and your dependents) over the age of 18 must obtain and submit police clearance certificates from every country they have resided in for longer than 6 months since turning 18 years of age.

You may have several queries and may find it difficult to identify the best options based on your qualification, requirement, here we can guide you to achieve your dream, contact us.